Homeopathy Classes for Children – Fall 2022

I am planning a homeopathy course for children. Imagine if from an early age children understood the direct connection between how they feel and how their physical body expresses symptoms.

Materia medica can be dynamic and engaging as we will link the substances, plants and animals of the earth to the remedy pictures.

Practicing the art of really listening and perceiving information from others, is a life skill that is becoming lost in the intensity of the online world.

The natural curiosity of children is an easy bridge to homeopathic knowledge.

Children are full of knowledge, observations and a desire to be purposeful. Homeopathy can provide a landing place for all of these skills.

Children can begin with first aid, pet care and acute ailments. We can lay the foundation for homeopathic knowledge, materia medica and case taking. Throughout the program, we will be learning anatomy and physiology, emotional language and the many clues humans give about the remedies they need.

All children will be welcome to join, classes will be held for one hour once a week on Zoom. Recordings and notes will be available for each session.

This course will launch in the fall of 2022. Please contact me if you have questions or would like to reserve a space for your children.




Anxiety during Pregnancy

Spending time in Nature can alleviate feelings of anxiety during pregnancy.

You can use homeopathy safely and effectively during pregnancy. Unlike most drugs, homeopathic remedies will not have negative side effects for you or your baby. Homeopathy also works on BOTH the physical and the emotional levels.

The way homeopathy works is by assisting you in changing your neural pathways around emotional states. This shift allows for true healing, and the root cause of the issue is addressed. Traditional medicine only seeks to alleviate symptoms, not cure the essence of the problem. So – why choose a remedy over a drug?

  • Curative change
  • Relief from emotional and physical discomfort

For example, Aconite 1M is a remedy that is used to treat panic attacks. The root of this fear is often a previous experience which then sets off a trigger response resulting in a panic attack. Elevated fear, heart palpitations, sweating, restlessness, dissociation and shallow breathing. Two pellets of Aconite 1M will act to immediately soothe these physical responses and reset the mind by reminding the person of their present safety.

A common situation in which a pregnant woman might need this remedy reminder is going into labor. Often, especially if there has been a previous birth trauma, women feel anxious at the first signal of labor. This fear response is an antidote to smooth, flowing labor and will create not only emotional discomfort but slow the progress of the birth. It will also affect the baby as they are highly aware of everything the mother is experiencing.

Taking a dose of Aconite at moments of anxiety reassures everyone that all is well and they can relax and allow things to unfold. It will not interfere with the labor pattern, it will not be contraindicated if you do decide to take drugs during birth and it will provide relief.

There are many remedies to support mental strength and wellness. To find the perfect fit for you consult a Homeopath.



Chill Pill

A relaxing day last summer, wandering around a beach on the Pacific ocean.

How does homeopathy impact mental health? Here is one example-

It can be kind of tricky to tell the difference between anticipatory anxiety and just good planning.  When you operate at a fast pace your life tends to become more disciplined and organized, more predictable in some ways.  I think we really believe we can manage the chaos.  But it always bubbles up! Here are a few clues I have noticed that might be a signal of anticipatory anxiety

  • Sleeplessness – specifically waking and feeling your mind racing with thoughts and plans
  • A sensation of a knot in the stomach or bloating of the stomach
  • Shallow breathing
  • The feeling of not being present or really listening to anyone
  • Snappy – is a specific kind of irritability when you are feeling hypervigilant – like too many balls in the air
  • The feeling of tension and tightness both physically and emotionally – no spontaneity 
  • Realizing that you are often rushing your children 

If these factors are maintained and assimilated, it eventually becomes the version of you that is normal.  Until you are ready to move on, maybe you get a glimpse of a deep breath and a touch of waking on your own schedule on vacation.  Then the craving intensifies, you want to feel that way often but you can’t always be on vacation.  How to make it happen?

This is where homeopathy points you in the direction you want to move towards. Homeopathy reminds you of who you really are. The case-taking is therapeutic and the remedy keeps you focused on how you want to feel. Your body will respond to the encouragement. Your life will change. Make an appointment.




The Extra Boost

When your child is in need of an extra boost it’s time to give them a dose of their constitutional remedy.  The constitutional remedy is one remedy that will address their mental, emotional and physical concerns. After a thorough case taking this is the remedy that is identified as the best fit for their specific body. It is a great tool for those seeking a way to maintain optimal health for their families. Knowledge of the constitutional remedy also assists in understanding which acute remedies will work best for that individual. 

How do you know when to give the constitutional remedy? Take a look at these areas…


  • Anytime you see that a child is coming down with an acute ailment it is time for a dose of their constitutional remedy. This may be after an exposure, a large milestone, a transition or a season in which they tend to dip in their immunity. 
  • Recovering from an infection or an injury.


  • If you vaccinate your child, giving them their remedy before and afterwards is one way to assist their body in adapting to the components of a vaccine. 


  • any problems getting to sleep or staying asleep including anxiety around going to bed.
  • energy patterns – is your child more tired than usual, and are they having energy highs and lows?

Food and Drink

  • appetite and thirst – is your child high or low in their appetite and what do they seem to be craving? Children are interesting in that they will often ask for and crave foods that are high in the nutrients they currently need for their stage of growth and development. Pay attention and support these cravings. 


  • school pressure – during exams or presentations
  • social challenges
  • anxiety on any topic


  • what is the tone and level of health of the child’s environment
  • Who is in the child’s immediate environment every day and what effect do they have on the person?

PRO Tip: Always Bring the constitutional remedies when you Travel. 

To learn more about constitutional remedies for your family please book a consult with me at http://www.pipermartin.com

Homeopathy to induce labour

Imagine if you were just free to have your baby whenever the baby decides the time is right?

This whole pressure around timing and hospital, doctor and midwifery protocols is painful.

Negotiating over your OWN body seems odd, doesn’t it?

Many people get worn down by these strange timelines imposed on them and decide to allow medical induction. If you would like a fresh option you can choose to try a homeopathic remedy for induction. One very unique aspect that homeopathy can offer is the ability to soothe the wild, occasionally fearful, intense emotions that can be present around the due date.

In the vast majority of inductions I facilitate, the remedy is chosen to address the emotional hesitation. Once that has been cleared the body knows exactly what to do.

To book your free induction visit my website – http://www.pipermartin.com

Allowing your child to be Sick

I know this is a radical notion right now but acute illness is a good thing.

We need to discharge and the most efficient way we have to do this is through common colds and flu.

As a homeopath, I perceive that physical discharges change our emotional state. An easy example would be the feeling of allowing yourself a good cry vs the feeling of holding that in. Children need access to physically discharging their stress, overstimulation and environmental toxicities that they may encounter in a day.

When we allow discharges to occur and use homeopathy to facilitate the process the child has relief on an emotional level and can expand into the next version of themselves. If we block that process and hinder the regulation of the body, deeper pathology can occur. For example, if a child develops eczema and the skin is treated with a steroid topical ointment then the rash will disappear. However, what happens next is that the deeper organ of respiration is affected and the child will commonly develop asthma. Allowing a short-term discharge is much healthier on every level for all humans.

Illness has a role to play in our human lives. If an acute sickness in your family is creating distress for you then consider inviting in more support. You need a group of care providers that understand this is a normal part of life and know how to facilitate it for your family. The main way in which I provide this in my practice is to establish each person’s constitutional remedy and then, if they become ill, I am available to support them acutely. Having a good sense of their body in a healthy state allows me to understand and even predict which remedies they may need acutely. This can all be done with virtual support and the homeopathic remedies that you will have available in your own medicine cabinet.

If you would like to investigate this possibility please feel free to get in touch! You can access my appointment fees, schedule and workshop schedule at http://www.pipermartin.com



Old School Ways

Robust health begins in pregnancy. Protect your baby and do not vaccinate yourself with anything. You have the right to be vaccine free and I strongly urge you to maintain that state.

If you have ailments during pregnancy find a homeopath, a nutritionist, a chiropractor and an osteopath that you trust to work through things as they arise.

Challenge yourself to solve mental/emotional problems with a therapist before you have a baby. Establishing a relationship with these professionals before you have a baby gives you access that will provide multifaceted support during your parenting years.

Plan to have a natural birth. Drugs during labour – DO cross the placenta and go into the baby. Newborns do not need drugs and they do cause harm.

Breastfeed your baby for as long as you possibly can. This is protective for both you and your baby in many, many ways and gives you food surety for your child.

Consider ways to stay home with your child as long as possible. Provide a calm, rhythmic environment so that your child feels safe and is given optimal rest and nutrition while they are growing and developing.

These are the basics from pregnancy to age three. If you can extend that to school-age then even better. This investment in time, energy and research will create a solid foundation of health for your children.

I understand that these ideas are not for everyone or that you may feel they are unattainable. That is really up to you, in my experience as a Homeopath and a Mother these basics are important, especially in the early years. Having a baby does mean that your life changes and the way in which you spend your time, money and attention will also shift. Take the time to sort out how to support these little people when they need it the most, it will pay off in the long run for the whole family.

I am currently back in practice full time – to book appointments with me please visit my website at http://www.pipermartin.com.

much love


Homeopathic Travel Kit

A Homeopathic travel kit can be well stocked with all that you need to navigate sunburn, stomach upset or jet lag.  Here are some suggestions on what to pack:

  • Belladonna 1M – ailments from the sun and heat – heat stroke, headaches, nausea and vomiting from sun exposure.
  • Arsenicum 200C – nausea/vomiting and diarrhea, food poisoning or any symptoms that seem like food poisoning.
  • Phosphoric acid 200C – dehydration, loss of fluids – much-needed after an Arsenicum state! or excessive sweating or nursing. Especially helpful for children who are incredibly sensitive to dehydration.
  • Coffea 200C – jet lag and insomnia from over excitement. The feeling as if you’ve had too much coffee.
  • Nux vomica 200C – stomach upset and constipation, headaches and dry heaves, feeling as if you are hung over.yellow camper

These are my top five for a travel kit.  If you would like to expand on this list and have specific things you would like to cover feel free to consult with me.  To book a consult please visit my website: http://www.pipermartin.com.


Measles + Travel = Constitutional Remedy

As March break is approaching and measles, or rumors of measles are circulating, I thought it was good timing for some reassurance to those who choose not to vaccinate.watermelon babies

The Reassurance

  • Your children are healthy, vital beings
  • If you are still breastfeeding you have ultimate protection as your breast milk will instantly formulate the exact antibodies your child needs. The message will be sent the moment their saliva touches your nipple. In that feed they will receive what they need for as long as it is needed.
  • If you are not breastfeeding then hopefully you have a constitutional remedy for your child.  That is the remedy that matches their bodies and mental/emotional state the best. This remedy will boost their immunity, create ease, better sleep and discharges to clear them of anything they may be carrying.
  • If you do not know the constitutional remedy or have not yet discovered this then now is the time.  Taking your constitutional remedy before and during travel is a fantastic way to protect and assist the body. This is true for both adults and children.

With over 20 years of observing unvaccinated children travel the world and ZERO incidents of illness I can say with complete certainty that this is a true support.

If you would like to discover constitutional remedies for your family please email me at plentyofwonder@gmail.com or visit my website http://www.pipermartin.com for full details.