Create Fertility

Photo of an evening primrose, showing the flow...
Image via Wikipedia

Fertility is really our right as women.  Our bodies are born healthy, vibrant and capable of creating life.  Protect and maintain that balance of your body by avoiding anything that interferes with your hormonal system.   Manipulation of our bodies by outside hormone sources is a major problem – not just on a physical level but also mentally/emotionally.

Controlling your hormonal system for most women means using drugs.  Looking for a quick fix such as homeopathic folliculinum (estrogen) or products sold at the health food store that are for “female hormonal balance” are not going to create long-lasting picture.  You must be willing to engage with yourself as a woman – what is your own natural rhythm, how do you support yourself physically and emotionally, what is your own sense of sexuality v.s what is expected of you?  Most women begin taking the Pill when they are still stepping into this knowledge of themselves as women.  That knowledge gets lost as we use hormones to control our rhythms, our sexual desire and our cycles.

If you want a healthier menstrual cycle, birth control awareness, to understand what PMS is really about, freedom from hot flashes etc. then here are some suggestions.

  • READ –  Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler
  • Eat hormone free meat and dairy products.
  • Avoid cosmetics, hair products etc. that are altering your hormonal picture – choose things that you can not only put on your skin but would be safe to eat.  Then you know it is not harmful.
  • Consult a nutritionist about supplementing to be hormonally in balance – for example evening primrose oil taken therapeutically is a hormonal balancer.
  • Consult a homeopath and clear any hormonal imbalances and then seek to create a new picture of health for yourself.  It is possible.

for more information on homeopathy please visit my website –

Folliculinum and Fertility

Folliculinum is homeopathic estrogen.  Homeopaths use this remedy in a variety of ways.  It can be a consitutional remedy – a state a woman has become as a result of estrogen poisoning.  This can happen through a variety of ways – using birth control pills being one of the most common.  Folliculinum can be used to assist women in regaining their fertility after a long period of using the birth control pills.  This is more of an acute type of treatment.

If going off birth control is one of your goals and you are not sure how to manage your cycle to either get pregnant or avoid pregnancy I would suggest taking a look at a book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler.  She has developed a practical guide to really understanding how your body cycles – your individual body because not everyone has 28 day cycle – and how to read the signs and symptoms it communicates to you.  Through this understanding you will be able to work with your body rather than using a drug to dominate and control your body.

The birth control pill does effect your fertility.  It does create imbalances that have long-term effects.  Even if you do not actively have symptoms from taking the pill it is effecting you both mentally/emotionally and physically.  I am also beginning to see that the birth control pill can have a strong physical effect on the reproductive health of female children.

Choose to connect with your body, learn how your fertile self operates and work with your fertility – it is a gift.

Folliculinum (Homeopathic Estrogen) and Excessive Bleeding

Homeopathic estrogen is called Folliculinum.  This gem of a remedy can correct imbalances created by an estrogen poisoning in our bodies.  Estrogen poisoning most commonly occurs through the use of a the wide variety of birth control pills, drugs and injections we use to control our menstrual cycle. 

Through this poisoning many shifts occur – we lose sight of our own rhythm, we lose a sense of who we are and what we want and our bodies reflect this. 

  • excessive bleeding
  • no menses
  • frequent menses
  • no ovulation
  • fertility issues
  • miscarriages
  • difficulties in labour
  • difficulties with breastfeeding

Folliculinum is a gentle way to guide yourself back to your original rhythm, wisdom and knowing.  Collect yourself, find out what is prompting your body to speak to you in this manner and address it.  Treat your body with tenderness and listen to its distress – don’t attempt to control and suppress your own rhythms, they are an important, delicate balance which needs to be protected and supported.  In the long run that dedication will provide you with smooth transitions from adolescence to motherhood to menopause.