Homeopathic Induction- How long does it take? How does it work?

Induction of labour using homeopathic remedies is a completely SAFE option for nudging your body into labour.  The remedies are safe for both you and your baby.  There are not any remedies that are unsafe, remedies cannot be contraindicated when other medications are being administered and the only effect of taking the wrong remedy is that NOTHING will happen.

Now that all those questions are out of the way – how does it work?

When I give remedies to induce labour there are two aspects I consider:

1. What is the fear holding this woman or this baby back? This is the biggest reason women do not go into labour. Identifying the fear at the core level and then taking a remedy to lift the intensity of it, is how women go into labour after a remedy.

2.  Position of the baby – this is another way to induce labour – if the baby is posterior or breech then giving a remedy to correct the position will initiate labour because of the perfect pressure that creates on the cervix.

How LONG does it take to work?

There is no point in taking a remedy until you are 40 weeks.  Homeopathy cannot override your body.

I have had women go into labour within 5 min. of taking a remedy but the normal range I work with is 24 hours.  Within 24 hours something will be starting, you will fully be in labour or you will have had the baby.  The remedy only suggests to your body that you go ahead and do what you need to do and so when you do get going, it will be just as if labour has begun on its own.

How do you know which remedy to take?

Two options:

1.  I do homeopathic inductions  for free – you can book a time to see me or book a telephone induction.

2.  Access my e-book – The Homeopathic Guide to a Vibrant Pregnancy which outlines several remedy pictures for induction along with a host of other valuable information including remedies for labour and postpartum recovery.

if you need guidance or want to access my services please visit my website – http://www.pipermartin.com

Back Labour – Remedies to Shift a Posterior Baby

Pain in the back  during labour means that the baby is usually in a posterior position.  The baby’s back is facing your spine instead of facing out to the world.  While babies can be born “sunny side up” it does usually mean a longer, more painful birth experience.  When I am doing a homeopathic induction I do ask about the position of the baby because sometimes just encouraging a more anterior position will initiate labour.  If you are overdue and your baby is posterior then consider one of the remedies listed  below to get the ball rolling.


If the posterior presentation is not an issue until the labour is happening you can take a remedy to ask the baby to turn.  Babies do naturally tend to turn as they descend but it is faster and less painful if they can do this before the end of the birth.  Take just two pellets and within a few contractions the contractions will feel differently and the baby will move.

Here are some remedies to consider if you are experiencing back labour:

  • Kali Carb 200C – this is the primary remedy for back labour.  The woman wants counter pressure on the small of her back.  She can be very chilly and is quite irritable.
  • Gelsemium 200C – baby appears to ascend rather than descend with each contraction, heavy and listless during pushing, pains from uterus up the back with chills up the back
  • Coffea 200C – hypersensitivity to pain, despair from the pain, only pain experienced is in the small of her back

For more detailed information on using homeopathic remedies for back labour please visit my website – http://www.pipermartin.com and access my on-line e-book – The Homeopathic Guide to a Vibrant Pregnancy.

Homeopathic Remedies for False Labour

Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris) 'Papageno'
Image by cliff1066™ via Flickr

When you are experiencing early labour that stops and starts homeopathy will do one of two things. 

One – fire up the labour so that it kicks into action.  This will mean a rhythm to your labour, a consistent length of time to the contractions and progress. 

Two – settle down the stops and starts so that you can sleep and relax until it is really time to do some work. 

One positive aspect of a long early labour is that your body is doing the early work over a period of time.  If you are able to rest, eat, drink and not be too preoccupied by the contractions it isn’t a bad way to go.  The 1-3 cm dilation is usually the longest, slowest part of labour. 

Remedies will move this phase along so that you can count on the contractions you are feeling to be productive – creating dilation and getting one step closer to your birth.  Some of the  most useful remedies at this time are :

  • Pulsatilla 200C
  • Cimicifuga 30C
  • Caulophyllum 30C
  • Gelsemium 200C

All of these remedies have the ability to augment labour – ONCE contractions are happening.  You will only need one of these remedies.  To discover an in-depth description of these remedies and choose the one that is most appropriate for you please visit my website – www.pipermartin.com and check out my e-book – The Homeopathic Guide to a Vibrant Pregnancy available for sale on this site.