Homeopathic Tricks of the Trade

Homeopathic Tricks of the Trade


Take two pellets of the remedy and wait – observe your body and mind and re-dose if you feel the symptoms have shifted but not totally cleared.  Please visit my website if you need more information – www.pipermartin.com 


Arnica 200C:  bruising bleeding, shock and shaking – best immediately after birth.


Aconite 1M: retained urine for moms or babies, recovery from a traumatic or frightening birth – this includes births that are very fast and mother and babies are taken by surprise, unable to catch their breath.


Apis 200C– amazing for edema – either from eclampsia or from excessive amounts of IV fluids.  Will cause mom to pee and sweat until the edema is released.


Belladonna 1M – this is the remedy for a cervical lip that is persisting or swelling.


Kali Carb 200C – for posterior presentation – can be taken before labour or during labour.


Pulsatilla 200C– breech presentation – will only encourage the baby to move if it is safe for the baby and mother – will usually shift the presentation within 24 hours. 


Staphsagria 200C – incarcerated flatus, recovery physically and emotionally for cesarean births.  Prevents infections in cesarean incisions.


China 200C – spinal headache after epidural.

3 thoughts on “Homeopathic Tricks of the Trade

  1. I suffer from migraine headaches even in the 7th month of pregnancy.
    I think I matched up IGNATIA AMARA as being a good remedy.
    do you think this would be okay to take and would it help with anger issues as well?


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